29.09.2021 • 

Beowulf Questions Final Part Beowulf becomes King of the Geats

Who proclaims that Beowulf is worthy of becoming King of the Geats? Does King Hygelac, the King of Geatland, anoint Beowulf king upon his return? How does Beowulf become king?

How long was Beowulf King of the Geats? (Include the quote and line numbers with your answer) [**This is also how long it has been since Beowulf’s battle with Grendel’s mother.]

Explain what sparks the wrath of the dragon.
Was the person who angered the dragon a malicious person? Use textual evidence to support your answer.
How does the dragon respond?

Remembering the Anglo-Saxon influence on the story, how does it say the ‘slave’ survived? (Include line numbers with your answer)

Find the lines that foreshadow Beowulf’s death. Quote and include line numbers with your answer.

Beowulf attacks the dragon

Who is the ‘cave guard’ and what literary device is used?

What will be different about how Beowulf fights the dragon than how he fought Grendel? (Include line numbers with your answer.)

Beowulf makes a boast before he fights the dragon much like he made to Wealthow before he fought Grendel. Quote what he says and include line numbers with your answer.

What does Beowulf do when he realizes he’s losing the battle dragon?

What do the men who had accompanied Beowulf do when they see Beowulf losing?

Who helps Beowulf and what do they do together? (Include line numbers with your answer.)

What happens to Beowulf? How does he honor Wiglaf? How is Beowulf honored? (Include line numbers with your answer.)

Choose one of the major speeches from the epic and ‘translate’ it - that is, rewrite it using today’s language (you may use text talk/fortnight speak/country accent/etc…). Possible speech choices: Beowulf defending his actions against Unferth’s accusation, Beowulf’s speech before his battle with the dragon, Wiglaf’s speech to stand by Beowulf, or Beowulf’s last words.

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