06.04.2021 • 

C. Application/Assessment Activity 1
Directions: Read the poem from China and do the activity
The Cries of Birds
Lu Yu
The peasants in the fields have no calendar,
They know the seasons through the cries of the birds,
in February they hear the cuckoos,
Then they know it is time for the spring plowing.
In March, they hear the nightingale's song:
Then the young maids pity the hunger of silkworms.
In April they hear the turtledoves;
Then the household silkworms put on straw arrowheads
In May the crows begin to crow
Then it is time to remove the weeds near the young seeds
Men say a peasant's life is hard and cruel,
Forever craving for rain and fair weather.
But who knows the joy that lies among the peasants?
For in their lives they know no luxuries,
They are content with their coarse cloth, wheat, and rice;
Among these lakes and bridges wine flows like oil.
Each night they return home drunk, leaning on one another,
And they have no fear of meeting the sentinel of Pa-ling.
A. Directions: Complete the table showing the birds that help the Chinese
farmers and the Filipino farmers.
Birds that helpChineseFarmers
Birds that help Filipino farmers
1. Sparrow (Goryon) -- eats

C. Application/Assessment

Activity 1Directions: Read the poem from China and do the activityThe C

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