17.07.2020 • 

Camping Out Put in the missing commas – there are 12! – Do not move any other punctuation. Then finish the story as you see fit! “Martin did you hear that?” Murmured Giles from beneath his sleeping bag. He had tightened the drawstring at the top so that only a tiny circle of his face could be seen. He looked like a giant globular purple caterpillar. “Mmmh hear what...?” Martin who was very tired from all the excitement of putting up the tent and eating smores, did not open his eyes to answer his pal. “That!” Giles hissed “What? That rustling sound?” “No that’s you moving around Marty. Quiet. Listen.” Insisted Giles from his polyester cocoon. Giles stopped trying to scratch the midge bite on his ankle and strained to listen, holding his breath to achieve perfect silence. One two three. “crWRR!” it pierced the creaky silence of the woods like a splinter in the sole of a bare foot slicing through the chilly night air. “Blearghhh!” Yelped Martin shrinking back towards Giles. “k!” shrieked Giles. Good thing Martin was his best friend he wouldn’t want anyone else to hear him sound so freaked out. It was probably nothing – right?

What do the boys do? Go and investigate? Call for help? Tell each other a scary story? What is making that noise?
Add 100-200 words to finish off the story. It is currently 170

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