11.06.2021 • 

Can somebody please explain each line We live in a world that’s confusing at best Sifting through information, we’re put to the test
There’s so much complexity in every sphere Opinions, and narratives uniquely appear
Ideas may be radical, and some astray Many are provocative, bound to dismay
People are divided by religion and race With friction and differences, so commonplace
Color and gender are some other forms With multiple perspectives and dynamic norms
The vital question is what do we need Amid angst and despair, we feel, indeed
People are emotional with frustration and fear Doubting that solutions will ever be here
Individuals are hurting and the pain is great Yet, blame and inaction tend to dominate
Injustices and judgements appear complex and true Begging for respect, a completely fresh view
New rules of engagement are what we need To gain trust and acceptance, a path to succeed
If bigotry and indifference could be buried away Then, hope and energy would bring a meaningful day
Relationships could be warmer and comforting too Honoring each other could be fulfilling and new
With biases recognized, managed with care No doubt, common kinship would soon fill the air
Where hatred is gone, and attitude measured The beauty of togetherness could all be treasured
If life was aligned, the world could be A new special place for you and me

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