05.05.2020 • 

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Jellyfish have been causing problems throughout the oceans of the world, they have floated into the cooling systems of power plants and clogged them causing the power to shut down. These everyday monsters can cause shipwrecks, power outages, and they can drive fish out of areas and cause fishermen to lose hundreds of dollars. The jellyfish have been causing these problems

Jellyfish are free swimming animals who use their stomachs to pump air behind them and swim and they use their tentacles to capture prey. They are the oldest multi organ animal. They've been roaming the seas for over 700 million years. They are found in every single ocean but prefer to live in coastal areas. some jelly fish are harmless to humans, but some have a venom and sting so deadly that you would die immediately, there are also jelly fish that are bigger than other normal size jelly fishes. Jellyfish stingers are used as defense and they are used to hunt. The stingers are used to hunt because when the jellyfish stings a fish or attacker then It injures or even paralyzes the animal. Jellyfish have an umbrella-like part of their body, and tentacles flow out from below it. Jellyfish use the tentacles to move in water. Some jellyfish are transparent, and some jellyfish have been around for years. The jellyfish species Cyanea capillata and the nemopilema nomurai have been competing for the spot of biggest jellyfish for years. They are their own biggest competitors. The nemopilema nomurai has been getting more and more common in Japan and Korea. It is the only species in the monotypic genus nemopilema. Some jellyfish are parasitic and carnivorous.

In conclusion, although Jellyfish are very dangerous, and they can cause problems if you get near them. Although the sting of most jellyfish is painful to humans, the jellyfish that live on the island of Palau have an extremely weak sting. You can use the information from this essay to help identify some problems jellyfish cause, and design something that could help keep jellyfish as a small problem.

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