26.05.2021 • 

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME I REALLY NEED IT ASAP The Allosaurus was a creature that other dinosaurs would flee from, and if you saw this dinosaur, you would probably run away from it, too. Allosaurus means "different lizard" in Greek. It was named "different lizard" because its spine was different from other dinosaurs' spines. Because the Allosaurus liked to eat other dinosaurs, it had large, powerful jaws that contained long, jagged, and sharp teeth. These teeth were measured to be up to 4 inches long! Like the Tyrannosaurus rex, the Allosaurus had two powerful legs, a massive head, a short neck, a long tail, and short arms. The arms had three-fingered hands with large, eagle-like claws. These claws were up to 6 inches long! The Allosaurus grew to be up to 38 feet long and 16.5 feet tall. Its most unique feature was a pair of blunt horns, just above and in front of the eyes.

Which is the best summary of this paragraph?
The Allosaurus was a large, fierce dinosaur. It ate other dinosaurs and had a body similar to the Tyrannosaurus rex. It had a different spine from other dinosaurs and had a pair of horns above the eyes.
The word Allosaurus means "different lizard" in Greek. The Allosaurus got this name because its spine was not like most other dinosaurs' spines. The Allosaurs had teeth that measured up to 4 inches long.
The Allosaurus had two powerful legs and two very short arms. The hands had only three fingers, but each finger had very sharp claws, like an eagle. The claws could be as much as 6 inches long.
A grown Allosaurus could be up to 38 feet long and 16.5 feet tall. The claws on its three-fingered hands could be up to half a foot long. It had very long, sharp teeth that could be up to 4 inches long.

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