20.09.2020 • 

Caregiver Wei is a child in your classroom. She is 18 months old. She has been in your room for three months. Wei has
adjusted to the classroom easily with the exception of one thing. Her mother brings her to school every day
dressed in many layers of clothing. When you asked about it, her mother said that it is important that her daughter
be warm enough during the day, especially since you take her outside often. You feel that the classroom is kept at a
temperature that does not require children to wear so much clothing. You have noticed that Wei is often red faced
and sweaty while playing actively inside the classroom. You also feel that the clothing limits her freedom of
movement and prevents her from participating fully while outdoors. You would like to see her dressed in a way
more appropriate to a child care setting. You have scheduled a conference to talk to Wei's mother about your
You have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for six months. Your home country has a hot and humid climate, and
you have had a difficult time adjusting to the cool winds and morning fog in this new country. You have been very
surprised that the teachers at the child care program take the children outside every day no matter what the
weather. You were shocked because at home no one goes outside when it is cold and windy unless they absolutely
have to because everyone knows that is the way to invite sickness into your life. The teacher has talked to you
about Wei wearing too many clothes to school. You do not understand what she means. Wei needs to be dressed
warmly if she is going to be out in the cold weather. Now the teacher has asked to meet with you. You are worried
because you feel that the teacher does not understand about how to keep young children healthy.

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