21.04.2021 • 

Chapter 4: Decision Making Lesson 2: Anger Management Exercise #1 – Reacting to Anger
Directions: Read each of the scenarios below and identify how the person is reacting to anger.
1. Bob is in line at a sandwich shop. A stranger tries to cut in front of him. Bob pushes him out of the way.
2. Sandy’s teammate runs into her during a soccer game. Sandy says “Excuse me. Could you please not do that again?”
3. Tim’s history teacher springs a pop quiz on a reading assignment that he didn’t get to. Tim is angry about not doing well on the quiz. He asks himself what he needs to do to stay on top of assignments.
4. Sue has a crush on James. She confided in her friend Tina that she wants to ask James to the Cadet Ball. The following week, she learns that Tina asked James to the ball and he accepted. Sue is mad, but says nothing to Tina because she doesn’t want to argue.
5. Adrian’s parents won’t give him money to buy a video game, after they promised he’d get a reward for good grades. He’s angry and asks his parents why they are breaking their promise. He learns that his dad will be losing his job next month. Now Adrian’s video game does not seem so important.
6. Jade’s mom is driving her to a track meet where she expects to win a medal in her event. There is an accident on the highway and a huge traffic backup. Jade may not be on time for her event. She’s angry about the possibility of missing out after she’s worked so hard. She turns on her favorite music, and envisions winning her race.

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