22.08.2021 • 

Choose the best answer. 1. He was boiling an egg he burned his hand. A. since B. during C. while D. when
2. I thought you .
A. will come to the party. B. come to the party C. were coming to the party D. have come to the party.
3. The firework display, part of the city’s centenary celebration, place on the 21st August in Cannon Park
A. will take B. is taking C. is going to take D. takes
4. This is the first time we to Scotland, so it’s all new to us.
A. are going B. were C. have been D. will go
5. Look at those cars! They !
A. will crash B. are crashing C. will be crashed D. are going to crash
6. What’s in the letter? Why ?
A. don’t you let me to read it B. don’t you let me reading it C. won’t you let me read it D. won’t you let me to read it
7. Only in this house safe and secure. A. I feel B. do I feel C. I do feel D. feel I
8. Hurry. The next bus at 7:15. A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. will leave
9. No one has used this room for ages.
A. This room hasn’t been used for ages. B. This room has been used for ages by no one.
C. There’s no one to use this room for ages D. There’s hardly anyone to use this room for ages.
10. “We’re having a party at the weekend” “Great! Who ?
A. will being invited B. is going to invite C. is going to be invited D. will invited
11. An announcement about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago.
A. has been already made B. has already made C. has already been made D. already made
12. Although it was raining, they played tennis.
A. Because of the rain, they played tennis B. In spite of raining, they played tennis
C. Despite the rain, but they played tennis D. In spite of the rain, they played tennis.
13. He was busy his homework. A. doing B. to do C. that he was doing D. he was doing
14. Are Alice and Tom still living in New York? “No, they to Dallas”.
A. are moving B. had already moved C. have just moved D. will moved
15. I’ll return Bob’s pen to him the next time I him.
A. see B. will see C. am going to see D. have seen
16. Let’s go to the Riverton this weekend” “Sounds like fun. from here?
A. How far is B. How far it is C. It’s how far D. How far is it
17. Bluegrass music is somewhat different other types of country music.
A. by B. with C. from D. in
18. All those involved have every reason to be proud their achievement.
A. to B. with C. on D. of
19. I often listen to music I have free time. A. whatever B. whenever C. wherever D. however
20. “Has the committee made its decision yet?” “Not yet. They the proposal.”
A. are still considering B. are still being considered C. are still considered D. have been considered
21. I’ve lived in a small house near the coast .
A. from 1990 B. since 1990 C. in three years D. for last year
22. Since Mr. Hasson president, both taxes and unemployment.
A. has become / increased B. became / increased C. became / have increased D. has become / have increased
23. Because I hadn’t heard the weather forecast, I was surprised to see the snow.
A. The weather forecast prevented me from knowing about the snow.
B. It was snowing, so I was surprised by the weather.
C. The snow caused me because I hadn’t heard the weather forecast.
D. Not having heard the weather forecast, I was surprised by the snow.
24. When I arrive, the dinner .
A. is being served B. is served C. has been served D. had been served
25. He plays drum very well. A. a B. the C. an D. no article
26. “What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!” “Thank you. It especially for me by a French tailor”
A. is made B. had made C. made D. was made

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