07.11.2020 • 

Choose the best summary for the excerpt from "Uses and Abuses of the Umbrella." "If one were to research the history of the umbrella, one would discover that it was created with a purpose far different from that which formal umbrellists wish to attribute to it—those gentlemen who mistakenly take their umbrellas to the street when it looks like rain, unaware that they are exposing their precious devices to a washing that never figured into their plan."

Question 1 options:

It's important to never forget your umbrella on a day that the forecast calls for rain. Otherwise, your precious hairdo will get ruined.

Some people take their umbrellas out into the rain, even though they are supposed to keep these items out of the rain so that they do not get ruined.

So many people forget their umbrellas on days where it is supposed to rain. Those people are silly individuals.

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