09.02.2021 • 

Circle the correct answer so that the second sentence has the same meaning as the first sentence. 1. The report did not clearly explain the decline in female hiring.
The report did not give a of the decline in female hiring.
a. clear explaining
b. clearly explanation
c. clear explanation

2. Some research shows that men and women differ greatly in communication style.
Some research shows a in communication style between men and women.
a. great difference
b. greatly different
c. great different

10. Since women have entered the white-collar workplace, a many women have achieved elevated positions in business.
a. considerable
b. significant
c. great

11. In general, fewer men than women are employed as elementary school teachers.
a. much
b. considerably
c. more

12. The historical male view that women cannot handle important jobs has been proven to have merit over the last several decades.
a. little
b. few
c. a few

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