26.09.2021 • 

COMMONLIT: most ivory for sale comes from recently killed elephants. 2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to
Part A?
A. “Measuring the amount of carbon-14 in a biological sample
and then matching it to corresponding values in the bomb
curve tells scientists when the tissue formed, plus or minus
six months." ( Paragraph 7)
B. "Until now, however, no one had applied the method to the
ivory trade -- mostly because of its expense and the fact that
only about a dozen labs around the world are able to
perform these tests." ( Paragraph 8)
C. "With this method, you can tell exactly when the animal died
and see if the ivory is actually as old as the person who is
selling it claims it to be," ( Paragraph 11)
D. "If all domestic markets globally were illegal, it would be
much more difficult to sell the newly poached ivory," (
Paragraph 12)

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