05.12.2019 • 

Complete the following steps for our scouting assignment utilizing dictionaries and functions: find the rubric note: refer to week 10w - intro to dictionaries as well as week 11m - dictionaries part 2 for assistance on working through this assignment. also note: there is a shell given on the week 12w - homework hint lecture ''' about: this program will store scouting information for a sports team to with player analysis.
step 1: prompt the user to enter 5 pairs of information: a player's last name, jersey number (0 - 99) and the player's rating (1 - 9). store the last name, jersey numbers and the ratings in a dictionary. output the dictionary's elements.
step 2: implement a menu of options for a user to modify the roster. each option is represented by a single character. the program ends when the user chooses the option to quit. example: menu: a - add player d - remove player n - update player name o - output roster r - output players above a rating u - update player rating y - exit choose a menu option:

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