20.09.2019 • 

Complete the following survey titled: "com100: experiencing effective group communication " with two different people. this survey asks questions about communication norms for groups they have participated in or observed and about the climate of these groups. try to choose people who have had different group experiences, including workplace groups, social groups, clubs, etc. ask each person the following survey questions and take notes on their answers. (refer to table 9.2 on page 248 before you start the survey.)note: these experiences must be group communication situations where the people are spending time together in order to accomplish a group goal. this usually occurs in a meeting. training and teaching situations are not usually considered group communication situations.the survey answers do not need to be individually submitted, but the information from the surveys should be summarized and directly included in your answers to the questions in part ii; information from the lesson and the textbook should also be included.com100: experiencing effective group communication surveyshare the definition of small group communication (p. 233) with the person you are surveying.ask your interviewee: what is one group you have participated in that used effective group communication? (pay special attention to how your interviewee defines effective communication.)share the definition of norms (p. 243) with the person you are surveying.ask your interviewee: what are the norms of the group? ask your interviewee: how does (or did) the group enforce the communication norms? what happens when a group member ignores or violates a group communication norm? give a specific example.ask your interviewee: how would you rate your own skills for understanding and following group communication norms? use the following scale: good, fair, or poor. give a specific example to explain your rating.share the definition of communication interaction patterns and the types of small group communication networks on pages 248-249 with your interviewee.ask your interviewee: what can you tell me about evidence of any of the group communication behaviors that contribute to their group communication pattern? (show them the networks on p. 249 figure 9.1.) was the pattern intentional? tell me about one to two of these behaviors.share the phases of group and team development with the person you are surveying.ask your interviewee: what phase do you think your group is in? why? ask your interviewee: what can you tell me about evidence of any of the group communication behaviors that demonstrate conflict and conflict resolution in group communication that is necessary for the problem solving and group relationships that enable the group to accomplish the group's goal? tell me about one to two of these behaviors.note: the survey answers do not need to be submitted, but the information from the surveys and important concepts from the lesson should be included in your answers. also, ask yourself the same survey questions. what kind of group communication can you reflect on from your own experiences? part the following questions. write the answers to the questions, review your work, and submit your answers. integrate the key concepts and key terms from this lesson into your answers.the answer to each question should be approximately 6 to 10 sentences in length. you should write your responses in complete sentences free of spelling and grammatical errors. type your answers in a word document and then paste your answers below each question in the space provided.

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