16.12.2019 • 

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religious intolerance has been presented in the past as well as the present. many people of religion throughout history have been looked down upon, shunned, beaten, and even killed for what they believed in and it is still a problem today.

religious intolerance has displayed itself in a multitude of ways. one of the most well known cases of this is the holocaust. in 1933 the first concentration camp was built. over the next 12 years jews will have had their rights stripped, property and belongings destroyed, and over six million jews will have been systematically and deliberately killed. in germany the rights of jews were revoked and these actions were justified using fake racial sciences to prove that jews were statistically worse than other races and religions. nazis initially attempted to remove jews from germany, but then forced jews into highly concentrated ghettos with scarce food and almost uninhabitable living conditions. in 1934 jews were involuntarily moved into concentration camps. they were worked endlessly, beaten, starved, and killed in masses. jews were cremated, shot by mobile killing squads, and gassed. over 6,000 jews were killed per day from 1943-1944. the holocaust marks the largest mass genocide in the world, where ⅔’s of the jewish population in europe was killed based solely on their religion.

while we may think so, we’re no better today in terms of religious intolerance. in countries in the middle east, such as pakistan, afghanistan, sudan, and saudi arabia there is practically no safe place to practice most religions, especially christianity. studies have shown that over 215 million christians have been subject to high levels of persecution and over 3,000 were killed. it’s not just the middle east, in africa, the philippines, and north korea people are being persecuted for their religion. north korea has been the highest source of religious persecution for 16 consecutive years. north koreas has either killed or deported any person they suspect practicing religion to labor camps. not only are christians affected in these countries but people of religion in countries such as america are affected. people such as muslims are wrongly judged because of events such as 9/11 and isis. people have preconceived notions about religions such as islam solely based on previous events that have happened with people of that specific religion.

in the future, us as individuals need to learn to be more aware about religion as well as us as a country. governments should not only prevent religious intolerance in their own country but other countries who are also suffering religious persecution that can not do it for themselves. what someone believes in is not a reason to treat them any differently and is a choice that should be respected. whether someone believes in a god or no god is personal and does not change who they are as a person or their value.

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