19.02.2021 • 

Create a short outline for an essay about the causes and effects of the civil rights movement. Your claim doesn't have but it should say something that isn't obvious - something that needs to be backed up with reasons and evidence. In
use your outline and research to draft your essay. Then you'll present that essay to the class.
Your outline should include a claim that answers a research question, at least three main points that support your clair
sources that will provide evidence to back up your claim and main points. Make sure that your sources are reasonably
published by trustworthy companies or organizations, transparent about where their information comes from, and writu
who has some authority,
Your outline should include the following elements:
• A claim that answers your research question and says something interesting enough to justify a whole essay
• At least three main points that support your claim
• Citation information for at least three credible sources whose evidence backs up your claim or main points

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