04.02.2021 • 

Credit to rachaelwilliamson83 avatar “What are you doing?”

The question was brought from a low tone, dipped with exasperation. Izuku knows the voice well, he had to by now. “Laundry.” He huffs through his nose and takes a clutch of clothes in his hand, before dumping it in the washer.

Footsteps crank near and the voice comes up again, “We need to talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.” Izuku sighs and Todokroi stares at him helpeslyy. “What I said earlier. About- y’know that..”

Izuku doesn’t seem fazed, but grabs the detergent from the shelf. “Midoriya I need an answer.”
The green haired teen sets the detegrnet bottle on the washer, finally turning his gaze to the other teen. “I don’t.. Todoroki I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

“So you don’t feel the same about me.” He says simply.

Izuku bites his bottom lip and looks to the ground. “It’s that..” His shoulders feel heavy and he prys his mind to say what needed to be said. “It’s that I like someone else.”

Todoroki’s expression didn’t change. “Bakugo right? Yeah he’s a dreamer.”


“No seriously.” Todoroku huffs. “Go for him, makes sense to fall in love with that-”


Izuku grabs the fold of his shirt, and glares daggers at him. It’s an expression he’d only take when facing villains. But Todoroki wasn’t a villain, he was just heartbroken. In many ways the one. “I dont want any bad blood between us. Please understand.”

“I don’t though.”

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