01.06.2021 • 

Deliverable 05: Collaboration on the Final Draft of a Persuasive Essay: Please answer the following short questions as if you are offering feedback and input--in about 25 word answers--to your work colleague as a form of solid feedback about this paper. Your sentences should be complete and answer the prompt in light of what you are reading before you. I, the reader, feel the topic of this paper is stated quite plainly and a clear position is taken on it because (why or why not?): Name 2 elements of the writing process you think this author needed to consider more thoroughly in stating his/her position. Did you find the research element to be covered sufficiently in this persuasive research essay? Why or Why Not? Consider the sentence structures here. Do they demonstrate the writer’s critical thinking ability in this exercise? Why or Why Not? List 4 unique errors pertaining to the correct use of APA formatting throughout this paper:

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