22.04.2021 • 

Diary Entries A raisin in the sun Select 4 characters from the play.
Write a diary entry from the point of view of each character at a particular point in the play.
Discuss one or more major concerns of the character at that particular point in time.
Talk about what the character is thinking and feeling.
There should be 4 separate diary entries - one from each character.
Requirements for EACH entry:
• Identify the character
Written in first person point of view. You are writing as if you were the character)
At least 2 page long.
Use 12 point font - Ariel, Times New Roman or similar font. Double spaced
Demonstrate an understanding of the characters, their motivations, and the plot
Karl Lindner -- Talk about what is going on in his mind when he finds out that the Younger family has
bought a house.
Ruth -- Write what she is thinking about when she considers an abortion. Write about all the things
going on that she considers.

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