08.04.2021 • 

Did anyone read the odyssey? PLEASE HELP ASAP
50-100 WORDS
1. In the first line of Homer’s epic poem, Odysseus is described as “polytropos.” Some scholars have translated this word as “much-travelled,” “wandering,” “many-turned,” “much-turning,” “versatile,” or “ingenious.” Our translator, Emily Wilson, chooses to describe Odysseus as “complicated.” What difference does it make how one translates “polytropos” in depicting Odysseus? (Book 1)
2. What might be Homer’s purpose in having Zeus recall the story of Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Aegisthus, and Orestes in such detail? (Book 1)
3. What prophecy does Zeus make concerning Odysseus? How does this affect our reactions in the narrative that follows? (Book 1)
4. What does xenia (hospitality) look like? Who extends it? Who abuses it? (Books 1-4)
5. Characterize Telemachus. How does he change in the first few books? (Books 1-4)
6. Characterize Penelope as a wife and mother. (Books 1-4)
7. Characterize the two suitors, Antinous and Eurymachus. (Books 1-4)
8. What role does Athena play? (Books 1-4)?
9. Why does Athena appear before Telemachus disguised rather than as herself in Book 1?
10. How would you characterize the tone of Telemachus’ speech in Book 2? How did you react to its conclusion?
11. What is the response of Antinous and the suitors to Telemachus’ speech in Book 2?
12. What is the nature and purpose of the prayers and sacrifices Nestor ordains in Book 3?
13. What does Telemachus learn from Nestor in Book 3? How does this meeting affect him?
14. What does Telemachus learn from Menelaus in Book 4? Is it similar to what he learned from Nestor in Book 3?
15. When in Book 4 the group hears stories about past times in Troy and the missing Odysseus, there is deep sadness and weeping. Helen drugs the wine so no one will feel any pain. Is she justified in doing this? When is it appropriate or helpful to feel deep pain and when is it not?

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