26.05.2020 • 

Did someone here read the book Flowers for Algernon because I need help on this please i have to chose 2 of this options.

Word Cloud. Create a word cloud using a generator such as Tagxedo or Wordle. This word cloud will be a representation of the short story "Flowers for Algernon." You will need to have at least 30 words describing the story, characters, themes, etc.

Mazes. Create a set of five different 3-D mazes, similar to the ones used by Charlie when he raced Algernon. Administer the mazes to four different people and time how quickly they finish each maze. Create a comparative graph of each person's times. Create a portfolio that includes the mazes, your comparative graphs, and a summarization of your findings.

Book Trailer. Use a program (such as animoto, imovie, windows movie maker, etc.), to create a book trailer for "Flowers for Algernon." Your book trailer should be at least one minute long, have pictures and/or video clips that preview the story, and be narrated (by voice or subtitles). The point of the book trailer is to whet the appetite of readers not to give away every aspect of the plot.

Playlist. Design playlists (> 10 songs) for three or more characters in the story. Be sure the playlist includes music that expresses as many aspects of the character(s) as you are aware of. Write an explanation for each song discussing how the song represents the character(s).

Letters. Write two letters, one as Charlie writing to Ms. Kinnian and one as Ms. Kinnian responding to Charlie's letter. The letters need to take place after Charlie has left New York. Each letter must be at least one-page long and represent the tone, style, and intellectual level of each character.

Inference Chart. Create an inference chart for Charlie throughout the story. The inference chart will focus on how the author uses direct and indirect characterization to develop Charlie as a character. Each entry must be at least two sentences long.

Develop an activity (not listed) that is related to the themes or issues brought up in "Flowers for Algernon." Explain the directions for your activity, what the final product will be, and complete the activity. MAKE SURE TO GET THE PROJECT APPROVED BY THE TEACHER BEFORE STARTING IT.

Those are the options but I don’t really get them so I need help on that. I really hope you can help me this is my final grade of the year and I really need it.

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