05.02.2021 • 

Directions Read the instructions for this self-checked activity. Type in your response to each question, and check your answers. At the end of the activity, write a
brief evaluation of your work,
Read the essay below and identify any logical fallacles that it might contain. Then fill the table below with the relevant fallacies and their examples
from the essay
Should Students Be Allowed to Use Cell Phones During School Hours?
Some schools claim that cell phones help perpetrate unhealthy and anti-social activities, therefore, they have no place in school. These schools
belleve that cell phones hinders students' progress. I am completely against this idea.
According to a survey, 75% of the population thinks it is morally okay for students to use cell phones during school hours. Many important people,
including politicians, writers, singers, celebrities, and entertainers who have been asked to comment have apparently disagreed with the ban on
cell phones in schools, Scientific studies so far have not proved that cell phones are harmful if used during school hours, so it must not be
harmful. Besides, to be harmful, it would have to be proved that grades of the students who use it during school hours have gone down. Since,

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