21.12.2021 • 

ENGLISH 9 19. Your parents have just retired, 20. You and I passed the exam, 21. Everybody was eager to get on the cruise, TEACHER: NGUYEN THI WONG NGO 2 2 22. Everything was ready for the party, 23. Mary believes John will come back soon, 24. Mrs. Jones never goes to Berlin on business, 25. Let's play dominoes, ? ? 2 2 2 26. I'm thinner than my friend, Jill, 27. My cousins weren't at the theme park last weekend, 28. Linda wasn't writing in her diary when you called her, 29. I'm not the tallest boy in my class, 30. Their son rarely has dinner with them, 31. His mother was sick last week, 32. None of them finished their homework, 33. John doesn't believe they can pass the test, 34. Nothing is more important than health, 35. The kids shouldn't stay up late, .

ENGLISH 9 19. Your parents have just retired, 20. You and I passed the exam, 21. Everybody was eage

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