05.03.2021 • 

English Creative Writing assignment If science can leave a dog's head alive,
It's possible a cat-dog hybrid can survive
Grafted intestines make a hole in between,
So organisms and zebras share a single spleen
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CatDog... CatDog...
Scientifically accurate little CatDog

Full of antibiotics, sedated as well
CatDog's short life would be a nightmare hell
Ethically duty is against the law
CatDog would need a scientist like Mengele

CatDog... CatDog...
Why would anyone make a little CatDog?

PETA protests, so do all decent folk,
But CatDog gets on TV as a children's show
Fill it full of steroids and make it do tricks
CatDog has two heads, but only one di-ck

CatDog... CatDog...
Reverse human centipede with a cat and a dog

Fighting for position, CatDog bites the other half
Two days have gone forward, prob'ly killed the little cat
Rotting behind him, necrosis sets in
Finally, Dog dies next to his half-cat twin

CatDog... CatDog...
Scientifically accurately dead CatDog!

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