14.01.2021 • 

Examine the following excerpt. Use the CUP strategy (Word, (Phrase), Sentence) to formulate a key concept for the paragraph. (4)

"The dawn came quickly now, a wash, a glow, a lightness, and then an explosion of fire
as the sun arose out of the Gulf, Kino looked down to cover his eyes from the glare. He could hear the pat of the corncakes in the house and the rich smell of them on the cooking plate. The ants were busy on the ground, big black ones with shiny bodies, and little dusty quick ants. Kino watched with the detachment of God while a dusty ant frantically tried to escape the
sand trap an ant lion had dug for him. A thin timid dog came close and at a soft word from
Kino, curled up, arranged its tail neatly over its feet, and laid its chin delicately on the pile. It was a black dog with yellow-gold spots where its eyebrows should have been. It was a morning like other mornings and yet perfect among mornings"

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