22.01.2021 • 

Excerpt from The Global Seed Vault Sasha Peterson At the turn of the century, nearly eight thousand varieties of apples grew in the United States. Today, ninety-five percent of those species no longer exist. Similarly, in 1949, Chinese farmers were able to grow more than ten thousand types of wheat; by 1970-just twenty-one years later-they were able to grow only one thousand types! This narrowing and specializing trend in farming is threatening the diversity of food crops. Which is a logical conclusion that can be drawn from the first paragraph of this passage?

A) Too many farmers are unwilling to learn new methods of raising crops.

B) Disease is destroying many of the species of food crops across the world.

C) There are fewer and fewer diverse species of food crops in the world today.

D) Farmers are in danger of forgetting how to grow and nurture different food crops.

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