11.10.2021 • 

Explain or presentation on this paragraph of journal of the journey of Charles wayo : 26 DECEMBER 1964 On Christmas Day, yesterday, I sat down all day, cried and prayed and cursed. My eyes are swollen now. I think I have eye-ache. For the first time I have fully understood my dangers and my isolation. I am crying because I know I am thousands of kilometres away from home and may never see it again. But every time I let out a breath, I let it out with hope. Christmas has gone without me. Happy New Year will come for many and they will live a better life. I will stay here in this place and look at the birds. I wish I were a bird. I would fly away and go to Capt. Simmons for the New Year. But it is impossible. Oh God help my soul. If you help me I will just sit here and nurse my legs. If my eyes get fine I will head right across the Sahara toward Turkey.

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