14.12.2020 • 

Find 4 different language techniques and write their effects: If you finish this and the answer is good, I will g1ve 50 more points. thx Resourceful Odysseus then said to Telemachus: [390]

“Telemachus, go and call the nurse here,

Eurycleia, so I can speak to her.

Something’s on my mind—I want to tell her.”

After Odysseus spoke, Telemachus obeyed

what his dear father said. He shook the door and called

to Eurycleia, saying:

“Get up, old woman,

born many years ago—the one in charge

of female household servants in our home.

Come on out. My father’s calling for you.

He has something in mind and wants to talk.

Come now, tell me about the women in these halls,

the ones who disrespect me and the ones

who bear no blame.”

His dear nurse Eurycleia

then answered him and said:

“All right my child, [420]

I’ll tell you the truth. In these halls of yours,

there are fifty female servants, women

we have taught to carry out their duties,

to comb out wool and bear their slavery.

Of these, twelve women in all have acted

without a sense of shame and no respect

for me or even for Penelope.”

Resourceful Odysseus [430]

then answered her and said:

“Those women who before all this

behaved so badly, tell them to come here.”

Once he said this, the old woman went through the house

to tell the slaves the news and urge them to appear.

Odysseus then summoned Telemachus to him,

together with Eumaeus and Philoetius.

He spoke to them—his words had wings:- hyperbole

“You three men,

start carrying these corpses outside now,

then punish those shameless servant women.

Have them clean these splendid chairs and tables,

and wipe them with sponges soaked in water.

Once you’ve put the entire house in order, [440]

then take those servants from the well-built hall - epithet

to a spot outside between the roundhouse

and the sturdy courtyard wall and kill them.(4)

Slash them with long swords, until life is gone

from all of them, and they cannot recall

Aphrodite and how they loved the suitors

when they enjoyed sex with them in secret.”

Odysseus spoke. The crowd of women servants came,

wailing plaintively and shedding many tears.

First they gathered up the bodies of the dead

and laid the corpses out beneath the portico,

leaning them on one another in the well-fenced yard. [450]

Odysseus himself told them what they had to do

and hurried on the work. The women were compelled

to carry out the dead. Once that was done, they cleaned

the splendid chairs and tables, wiping off the gore

with porous sponges soaked in water. Telemachus,

along with Philoetius and Eumaeus,

with shovels scraped the floor inside the well-built hall,

and women took the dirt and threw it in the yard.

Once they had restored due order in the hall,

they led the servant women from the sturdy home

to a place between the courtyard wall and roundhouse,

herding those household slaves into a narrow space [460]

where there was no way to escape. Shrewd Telemachus

began by speaking to the others:

“I don’t want

to take these women’s lives with a clean death.

They poured insults on my head, on my mother,

and were always sleeping with the suitors.”

He spoke, then tied the cable of a dark-prowed ship

to a large pillar, threw one end above the roundhouse,

then pulled it taut and high, so that no woman’s foot

could reach the ground. Just as doves or long-winged thrushes

charge into a snare set in a thicket, as they seek

their roosting place, only to find they have been welcomed [470]

by a dreadful bed, that is how those women stood

all in a row, with nooses fixed around their necks,

so they might have a pitiful death. For some time,

their feet kept twitching, but that did not last long.

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