25.05.2020 • 

Find an editorial depicting some form of the democratic process (e.g. exerting influence on elections, creating images of leaders, shaping attitudes) at the local, state and national levels. Write one paragraph answering the following questions:

Give the title, author, date of issue and a brief summary of the discussion.
With what kind of subject matter does it deal?
What is the editor's position on the subject?
Does the editor support his position with facts?
Does the editor attempt to appeal to his readers' emotions? How?
Find out how the same subject is covered on television evening news and the Internet. Check also to see if the subject is covered in TV news magazines such as 60 Minutes or 20/20. Contrast how they use elements of sound, images, live narration, and interviews to report the news or topic. Write a second paragraph answering the following questions.

Which provides more in-depth coverage?
The most current news?
Can you detect semantics or other indirect biased approaches (generalizations, opinions, logical fallacies)?

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