15.05.2021 • 

Find and circle the abbreviations for the parts of speech. Go to the Language Reference 3.1 on page 128 if needed. You will need this information for your Final Product. below /bəlou/ prep. 1. debajo de 2. [less than] inferior a but /bət/ conj. 1. pero 2. [clarifying negative statement] sino fast /fæst/ I adj. 1. [speedy] rápido, rápida 2. [watch, clock] adelantado Il adv. 1. [quickly] rápidamente 2. firmemente III v. ayunar lock /lak/ I n. 1. cerradura 2. mechón II v. cerrar mine /majn/I pron. mío, mía, míos, mías Il n. mina III v. excavar the /ðə/ art. el, la, los, las​

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