06.07.2019 • 

For this assignment, type at least 200 words demonstrating the effectiveness of verbals, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. here is your goal for this lesson: write an original prose composition using phrases, clauses, verbals, and various sentence types you may write about anything you would like: a short narrative telling about something you did or would like to do; a short work of fiction; a summary of a book or movie; or anything you can think of. the narrative must be cohesive (it must make sense). you must include and mark at least one correct example of each of the following: a prepositional phrase used as an adverb (prep=adv) a prepositional phrase used as an adjective (prep=adj) a gerund phrase (np) a participial phrase (part) an infinitive used as an adverb (inf=adv) an infinitive used as an adjective (inf=adj) an infinitive used as a noun (inf=n) an appositive (app) a compound sentence (compound) a compound-complex sentence (compound-complex)

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