09.03.2021 • 

Gatsby Response #1 (30 points) this is worth half of my geade

Remember to quote the text to support your opinion. Your response must be typed and should be at least

a page in length (double–spaced, 12-point font).

Why Nick? Fitzgerald could have chosen any perspective for his novel, but he chose first person

narration, and he developed Nick Carraway. Why? Based on what you’ve read so far, what do you

think Nick’s role is? What is Fitzgerald suggesting through Nick’s narration? Can we trust Nick?

(He says at the end of 39 that he is “the only honest man he’s ever known,” but do you trust

someone who has to tell you he’s honest? Use textual evidence to support your response. This

means that you must include quotes with MLA citations.

Gatsby Response #1 (30 points)

this is worth half of my geadeRemember to quote the text to suppor

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