16.10.2020 • 

Genre Technical Account Data Dilemma: Analog vs. Digital by Javier Moreno
Today's telephones operate on one of two systems. The first is analog and is most often
associated with landline phones. The second type is digital and is used with smart phones. Analog
and digital have different ways of transmitting sound. For example, analog takes a sound wave.
such as your voice, and turns it into an electrical signal that is transferred across a phone wire
These phones are less expensive and produce a richer sound quality, but even cordless analog
phones have a limited range because they are tied to a base.
Digual phones break down your voice into a binary code. The receiver reassembles this
computer language into sound, so there's never any static or scratches Smartphones can go
anywhere within their coverage zone, but the strength of the signal and the coding and decoding
of your voice can sometimes make the sound "jumpy."
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Genre Technical Account

Data Dilemma: Analog vs. Digital by Javier Moreno
Today's telephones oper

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