25.10.2021 • 

GRAMMAR NOTES: There are four types of sentence structures writers can use to vary their writing and provide more syntactic variety.
A simple sentence is a sentence with one independent clause.
A compound sentence contains two or more independent clauses.
**Alt] A complex sentence is a sentence that contains
one independent clause and one
or more dependent clauses.
A compound-complex sentence contains two or more independent
clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Exercise #1: In this exercise, Dr. Frankie has been hard at work cooking up
some sentences. Can you identify the types of sentences he has created?
1. The original monster wasn't Boris Karloff; it was a character
created more than 190 years ago by a twenty-one-year-old author named
Mary Shelley.
2. The full title of Mary Shelley's novel is Frankenstein;
or the Modern Prometheus.
3. Prometheus stole fire from the gods in order
to bring wisdom to mankind, and Shelley's gruesome tale
was influenced by that ancient Greek myth.
4. Even though Prometheus thought he was doing
the world a favor, the gods were angry, so they chained him to a rock
where an eagle ate his liver out every day.

GRAMMAR NOTES: There are four types of sentence structures writers can use to

vary their writing

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