28.03.2020 • 

Group Members:
Tide: The Diary of Anne Frank Lit Circle #5 (p. 120-End)
Directions: Look back to your book for interactive notes for this week's segment Start with the FACILITATOR. then pass the paper in a onde following
the numbers in order from 1-8. When it's your turn, lead the group in the discussion. Listen to everyone in your group and be sure that everyone is
participating and sharing their ideas equally. After you listen to everyone write a summary of your group's discussion in your box you must all
the lines neatly and completely and include quotes from the novel where appropriate).
#1. Summarize what happened in this week's
#2. How does Anne's writing change by the end of
the book? What do you think accounts for this
#3. How old is Anne by the end of the book? As a
teenager, do you share any thoughts, experiences er
opinions with her? Be specific
8. What questions do you have about the historical
context or plot after this week's reading?
#9. Discuss with your team any new.ocabulas
words that are confusing. Record at least new
words HERE
#4. Describe Anne's personality in 1944. What are 3 bew
characteristies that have developed since the beginning
of the book?
#7. Anne claims that young people have a more
difficult time than older people, especially in the
Annex. Explain her justification in your own words
(p. 141)
#6. On p. 140-141. Anne starts writing shout a book 25. How does Anne see herself by the end of the book
she read. What does she discuss in the beginning of Cive at least two pieces of evidence to support your
this letter and what does she discuss at the end of answer
the letter?

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