15.09.2021 • 

Hayden soon noticed the look of worry on his brother's face. As they strolled back toward their hotel in the pink twilight, Hayden asked his brother what was on his mind. "Jellyfish," Henry responded.

Hayden laughed, "Yeah, I was thinking of that scene, too, when we walked past the boat rental place earlier. It cracks me up every time."

"I won't be laughing if I get stung during the race tomorrow," Henry said sharply. Then, looking at his brother, he said more softly, "I'm scared of them. I think I'm going to pull out of the race."

Hayden was surprised to hear his twin say this. Henry had always been the confident one, always up for taking risks. Giving up just wasn't his style. It upset Hayden to see his brother looking so down and upset, and he knew he had to do something to comfort his brother as Henry had done for him so many times before. Like bolts of lightning, facts that Hayden had read about jellyfish began to zigzag through his mind. 'Of course!' he thought.

Select details from the excerpt that support the theme: With great success, there are obstacles to overcome.

a.Facts that Hayden had read about jellyfish began to zigzag through his mind.
b. Hayden soon noticed the look of worry on his brother's face.
c. "I won't be laughing if I get stung during the race tomorrow," Henry said sharply.
d. "Yeah, I was thinking of that scene, too, when we walked past the boat rental place earlier."

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