25.05.2021 • 

HEL PLEAS Read the excerpt from "The Case for Shelter Animals," and observe the boldfaced evidence to support the main argument
The Simple Dollar, a respected personal finance website has a helpful guide to the cost of pet ownership. The guide states that
adopting a dog or a cat from a shelter usually costs between $50 and $500. Meanwhile, an animal from a pet store typically
costs at least $1,000. Breeders are even more expensive
The main argument is that adopting a pet is loss expensive than buying one
Which answer best uses the evidence to evaluate the main argument?
O The argument is ineffective the evidence presents an invalid argument based on emotion
O The argument is effective, the evidence presents a valid argument using data,
o The argument is ineffective, the evidence shows the cost difference is insignificant
• The argument is effective the evidence provides the names of reputable shelters

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