01.06.2021 • 

Having reviewed the qualities of a good novel and written a literary critique earlier in this unit, you should now be able to form definite opinions about the novel you read, In His Steps. Once again, ask yourself the questions below. (You may also refer back to the notes you took in the unit "Studies in the Novel" and to the book review you wrote in that unit.)

Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write a critical review of the novel In His Steps

This final exercise should help you to understand that an accurate evaluation of a piece of writing takes careful study and much time.

Answer these questions carefully.

What is the purpose of this novel?
Did Sheldon achieve this purpose?
How does this novel contribute to your understanding of human nature?
What elements enable you to enjoy this novel (or prevent you from enjoying it)?
What is its greatest strengths?
What is its greatest weaknesses?
Are you more impressed with its strengths or weaknesses?
Are these conclusions consistent with the ideas in your book review written at the conclusion of the unit "Stuidies in the Novel"?
If your opinions have changed somewhat, how do you explain this change?
Answer these questions in an essay of at least 300 words. Remember to document your evidence properly, using MLA format.

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