05.05.2021 • 

HELP HERE IS THE PASSAGE! Nowadays a camera can fit in the palm of your hand, yet in ancient times, it was the size of a room. The word “camera” is a reference to that fact. It comes from the Latin term “camera obscura,” meaning “dark chamber.” The “dark chamber” was an invention that led to the development of the modern camera. The camera obscura was a dark room with a tiny hole in one wall to let in light. The light shined on a piece of paper. Someone inside the room could see an image of the outside on the piece of paper. But it wasn’t a very good image. If the hole was large, the image was bright but blurry. If the hole was small, the image was sharp but dim. The image was also upside-down. Early astronomers found a use for the camera obscura, though. They could watch the sun during a solar eclipse without looking at it directly. In the 16th century, some improvements made the camera obscura more practical. The hole was replaced by a glass lens, which made images sharper and brighter, and a mirror was used to flip the images right-side up. Artists found the improved camera obscura to be a good tool. They laid paper beneath the image and drew over the scene. Then, they could paint on top of the lines they had drawn. This technique helped artists make extremely lifelike paintings. Growing interest in reproducing realistic images inspired the idea behind modern photography. The film camera was developed when people discovered a way to transfer images onto film. Soon after, film cameras became available for the mass market. Later, digital cameras became another step in the evolution of the camera obscura. What will cameras of the future look like?

What was this passage mainly about?
1. the development of the camera obscura
2. how the camera obscura was first invented
3. how photography changed astronomy and the arts
4. the process for developing images using a camera obscura

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