12.03.2021 • 

help how do I explain ‍♀️ the story is basically about a old couple and a storyteller gives them a mill, the mill will give u whatever u want it to give u. For example, If u say the command, and say what u want, it will give it to u. But, if u want it to stop, u have to command it to stop. So one day the old couple went out and never locks their door, and their neighbors next door are ungrateful because the old couple have nice clothes and they eat good food while the neighbors next door, don’t. The neighbors heard the old man say the command to the mill and the neighbors saw the mill give the old man what he wanted, so the neighbors decided to steal the mill. The neighbors then leave to somewhere nobody knows them and the neighbors wanted salt so they said the command, but they don’t know the command to stop it. Salt then spills everywhere and they decide to throw it in the sea. yeah that’s basically the whole story.

help how do I explain ‍♀️ the story is basically about a old couple and a storyteller gives them a

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