06.01.2021 • 

Help me 2. The collection of physiological changes that occur when you face o perceived threat when you foce
situations where you feel the demands outweigh your resources to successfully coce.
A. Stressor
B. Stress
C. Stimuli
D. Response
3. Which of the following is not considered a stressor?
A. A break up
C. Watching your favorite TV show
B. Death of a loved one
D. Conflict with your best friend
4. AI, EXCEPT one, are signs of stress, which one?
A. Excessive sweating
B. Laughing
C. Nausea
D. Chest poing
5. All, but one, are other major causes of stress:
A. Care of the elderly
C. Domestic violence
B. Drug and alcohol abuse
D. Listening to your favorite song
6. This system controls everything you do.
A. Endocrine system
B. Nervous system
C. Olfactory system
D. Respiratory system

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