31.01.2021 • 

Help please n thanks Which sentence would add effective commentary to this

Obama also uses logical reasoning to describe the
potential effects of inaction. He states that there will be
dangerous consequences if the United States does not
respond to the use of chemical weapons and uses
listing to name them. First, Syria will likely continue to
kill innocents with poison gas. Second, Syria's use of
banned weapons will further weaken the international
prohibition against chemical warfare, encouraging their
use by "other tyrants." Eventually, Obama points out,
"our troops would again face the prospect of chemical
warfare on the battlefield and it could be easier for
terrorist organizations to obtain these weapons."

O The picture Obama paints of the consequences of
American inaction is sobering and leaves an
impression on the audience.

O By listing a chain of probable events, Obama
provides the audience with logical reasons to
support military action to prevent them.

O This description of the likely consequences of
American inaction explains why Assad's actions are

O Obama's carefully constructed links between causes
and effects shows that American action may make
the situation worse.

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