31.10.2020 • 

HELP PLSSS The rising action of your story is the perfect place to include dialogue between characters. Dialogue develops the characters and the conflict. It is time to start building the rising action of your narrative. Recall that the rising action includes the conflicts and challenges that the characters encounter.

Open a document and paste your already written exposition in it. Continue your narrative by writing the rising action now.

Your job, as the writer of the rising action, is to:

describe events that develop the conflict

use either a flashback or flash forward to develop the reader’s understanding of the conflict

show how the characters respond by including dialogue between characters

show how the characters respond by describing thoughts and feelings that the characters have

Using the notes from your Reimagine Narrative Planner, write your rising action now. Make sure to include at least four lines of meaningful dialogue in this portion of your narrative.

My book is the boy in the striped pajamas and my character im using is Shumel

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