25.03.2021 • 

How about this anyone know: The speaker uses the three types of appeals to effectively persuade the audience to support public-education funding. First, the speaker uses logic by giving a reason to support the funding: teens are facing crippling tuition hikes. The speaker makes it seem logical that the costs should be controlled. Second, the speaker lets the audience know that she has authority as a representative. This makes people more likely to listen to her because she is an expert. Finally, the speaker appeals to people’s concern about young people and their future. The speaker lets the audience know that she is willing to fight for education, and they should too. This appeals to the need to protect students and makes her speech effective.

What did you discuss in your response? Check all that apply.
an appeal to logic, or logos
an appeal to authority, or ethos
an appeal to emotion, or pathos
three types of appeals

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