19.06.2020 • 

How can I probably write this in a plot diagram the girls are on a field trip mena gets in trouble for disobeying bose and has to get sent to the nurse because of the pain during the open house, mr.wolfe was kissing Rebecca inappropriately anna, Sydney, and mena realizes that Lennon rose is missing, mena thinks she's with Anton, Lennon rose is actually gone from the school. the girls were upset to hear that one of their best friends is gone after the announcement Jackson warns mena about the school and the pills mena tells Sydney about the poem but gets shut down by her mr.wolfe is banned from ever coming into contact with Rebecca Leandra humiliates Rebecca for not saying no to him the girls start to become suspicious and self-aware about the school after mena tells them about the poem and the pills mena finds out Eva is just a computer system thanks to valentine mena confronts Jackson for lying to her mena encounters the diner in her nightmare mena gets in trouble for reading the poem by bose and is sent to impulse therapy Leandra talks to mena about escaping and the poem the girls plan to escape the academy when trying to escape, they are caught by Bose and get into a fight, they win but annalise is badly injured Jackson arrives to help the girls leave the schools they have to fix up annalise so they go to dr.groger on their way they find valentine metal brain exposed dr.groger gets possessive when he sees the girls with Jackson and demands them to go backs to their rooms Leandra later shows so dr. groger can have her fetch her husband, Leandra stabs dr.groger in the shoulder dr.groger fixes annalise and the girls are reunited while dr.groger was berating the girls, kills him with the medkit and the girls can finally leave the schools the book is girls with sharp sticks this is for the summer plot diagram 4 rising action 1 climax 1 falling 1 resolution pls summarize 4 rising action and keep separate

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