17.10.2020 • 

How does this scene help develop the central idea? Cite 2 details to support your answer. Mosquitoes rose up from
the water, from the reeds, from everywhere. Huge dark
clouds of them appeared, their high-pitched whine filling
the air. Thousands, maybe millions, of hungry mosquitoes
massed so thickly that in one breath Salva could have ended
up with a mouthful if he wasn't careful. And even if he was,
they were everywhere—in his eyes, nose, ears, on every part
of his body.
The fishermen stayed in their nets the whole night
long. They had even dug channels from inside the nets to
just beyond them so they could urinate without having to
leave their little tents.
It didn't matter how often Salva swatted at the
mosquitoes, or that one swat killed dozens at a time. For
every one he killed, it seemed that hundreds more swarmed
in to take its place. With their high singing whine constantly
in his ears, Salva slapped and waved at them in frustration
all night long.
No one in the group got any sleep. The mosquitoes
made sure of that.
In the morning, Salva was covered with bites. The
worst ones were in the exact middle of his back, where he
couldn't reach to scratch. Those he could reach, though, he
scratched until they bled.

The travelers got into the boats one more time, to
paddle from the island to the other side of the Nile. The
fishermen had warned the group to take plenty of water for
the next stretch of their journey. Salva still had the gourd
that the old woman had given him. Others in the group had
gourds too or plastic bottles. But there were some who did
not have a container. They tore strips from their clothing
and soaked them in a desperate attempt to carry at least a
little water with them.
Ahead lay the most difficult part of their journey:
the Akobo desert.

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