27.08.2021 • 

How hard is my life? Plz. it's not nonsense, i have a question after reading this question.

I born in Uzbekistan then live in Korea when I was 4 years old. I'm Uzbek - Filipino. My Father is Filipino and my mother is Uzbek Korean, So it means that I have korean relatives. I start learning Korean language with phrases,,then become fluent with it. When I was 12 I was bullied,, throwing egg in my head, hit me with baseball bat then they called me pabo it means st*pid. When I was 13 I'll committed suic*de, but my father forced me to don't do it. I'll try to push my self to stop it. After it happens,, I always crying on my bed,, crying on CR,, just pretending happy,.. Until it come when I was 15,, I've still hiding those pain,, I need someone to talk, someone who can trust,, but sadly no one,, how world is unfair...

I have many sad story of my life,,

do u think how can i recover it?

can i be happy again?

why the world was so unfair?

am i bad?

please ans.. me

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