07.09.2021 • 

I. Before reading "The Metamorphosis," please read through the enclosed lecture in Powerpoint. Familiarize yourself with the Cartesian (Descartes) dictum, "Cogito Ergo Sum,"-je pense, donc je suis-"I think, therefore I am." Go on to present and explain three examples in any striking bits of description or dialogue that offer clues as to who our protagonist Gregor Samsa believes-thinks- himself to be. Meaning what role does he feel he should fulfill in his work life, his personal life and the life of his family. How have these thoughts, these beliefs, about himself shaped the transformation Gregor experiences? (without plagiarizing, write 150 words please) II. Looking back to our definition of the Other in what way is Gregor Samsa "othered" by his family before and after his transformation. And if he is the Other who or what is the Dominant/Oppressive power? (without plagiarizing, write 100 words please) III. Kafka's ending to "The Metamorphosis" is filled with light. There is a sense of the family awakening to a promising new day. What is the light symbolic of? What comparable symbolism appears in Gregor's last encounter with his father? Does Gregor achieve Existential Authenticity, why or why not? If he does not, is it possible that his younger sister, Grete, will, why or why not? (without plagiarizing, write 100 words please)

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