09.12.2020 • 

I give up... I don't get it. I try so hard to understand and to make it make sense and it doesn't, they keep telling me "they're in a better place" I've never been lied to so much and so insulted... it's breaking me I I can't I don't know... I can't catch a break, I couldn't save you, I didn't say bye... I didn't say things I should have, I was so caught up on me, I didn't check up on you... I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry... why is this happening to me, why do bad things happen, why can't people stay, I guess I'm supposed to be alone and I must be destined to wither away right... I can't keep doing this, I just want it all to stop... don't be stu.pid and hold things in... because living with regret is the worst pain, I promise you it is...

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