10.05.2021 • 

I just wrote a poem tell me what yall think a teenager in quarantine by sequoyah wagner

Being a teenager in quarantine is hard

You can’t do all the things you use to

You can’t hang out with your friends; you can’t go to the mall.

The only thing that you can do is stay home and be bored.

Being a teenager in quarantine sucks

You find out that people everywhere are dying and there isn’t much anyone can do.

Its like one minute everything is fine and the next you hear on the news that millions of people are in the hospital and they can’t have visitors.

Your favorite restaurants are closed so you can’t go out to eat with your family.

All you want to do is stay home and sleep.

Schools start to close to, and you’re stuck doing online school.

Being a teenager in quarantine is hard but you know with your family at your side everything will be okay.

Then things start to become better.

Vaccinations start to come out and people get them.

People start to slowly get better.

You know that you and you family are ok, no one has gotten the virus yet.

Yes, being a teenager in quarantine is hard but there is still some good in the world.

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